I made a converter to be able to see 10GHz ATV signals using my IC905 and a standard ‘pll’ LNB.
The LNB LO is 9.75GHz so the IF for the 10GHz ATV band is around 250-750MHz, not in the range of the IC905…
I need to mix this up to a fixed IF, i chose 1280MHz*
The LNB is powered using a RF Splitter/Bias board i made some time back… see that post for more info.
The LNB IF signal is filtered to cover the 10-10.5GHz band, this is then fed into a mixer.
An ADF4355 Synthesiser generates the LO to mix with the LNB signal to produce the fixed IF of 1280MHz, i used a Low Pass filter on the output of the LO to reduce mixing effects from the harmonics.
There’s also a narrow 20MHz wide filter on the 1280MHz output to the radio.
Heres’s some phots of the insides

A Raspberry Pi Pico is used to drive the little display and program the Synth, not neat but it’s hidden in the box 🙂
So far tests have worked well, i just need a session when the repeaters over in holland are visible to store some memories for future outings!
I Guess the next thing is to do this in reverse for transmit…..