3.4GHz board mods for ATV
Here is some info on the 3.4GHz boards from Mainline on ebay - None left Dec 2012.
RF/Antenna connections :
Here the RX and TX lines can be connected to an RF relay to switch from RX/TX to the antenna.
TX IF circuit:
TX driver input is fed into the TX mixer through FL7
FL7 is a lowpass filter ( Lowpass 1.1GHz! )
VCO is replaced and PLL reference oscillator signal is applied.
PLL interface connections are accessible at the control part of the board.
PA Enable
2k2 resistor from 5v to base of Q38 to enable the final stage of the PA
power output is 200-400mW max (when not going through the output filter FL6)
PLL control
This is not finished yet but here is some Picbasic code to control the PLL chip and set it to 2170MHz
Designed for a 12F675
The information here is just for reference...
I have not had time to properly test all of the mods so think about it before you do it and let me know the errors!!!